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Dexee Aninon

Teacher Focus - Mr. Monroy

Updated: Nov 1, 2024

Mr. Monroy started teaching at Patriot High School last year in September in the Physical Education Department. This year he added the title of coach at PHS, as he became one of the coaches for the Girls Flag Football coaches as well as the Boys’’ JV Soccer coach. He also coaches at Riverside FC Soccer Club for boys ages nine and ten, where his son plays.

Every morning, Mr. Monroy starts with a cup of coffee, making sure he has the energy for all the students that will cross his path each day. While balancing work and other life demands can be challenging at times, he is grateful to be where he is today.  He speaks of looking back at his college years, majoring in Kinesiology, but not being sure of what he wanted to do. After working in construction for a decade, he became a substitute teacher at Rubidoux High School.  This experience gave him his first look at what he wanted to do for the rest of his life.

As a Rubidoux grad, he has seen quite a few changes in our schools. In his opinion, the advancement in technology and use of smartphones, while a useful resource, have also added less student physical movement and less true connections. And with that he gives good advice to, "make sure that you take care of yourself, your mind and body. Make sure you exercise everyday at least 30 minutes a day, keep moving, and don’t get stuck too much on your phone.".  He ends with a reminder to all to stay active and grounded in our lives.

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